Kill To Get Crimson

Kill To Get Crimson

Find out more about this album below.

Mercury/Warner Bros. (2007)

Mark Knopfler: vocals and guitars
Guy Fletcher: keyboards
Glenn Worf: bass guitar and string bass
Danny Cummings: drums and percussion
Ian Lowthian: accordion
John McCusker: violin and cittern
Frank Ricotti: vibes
Chris White: flute, saxophone and clarinet
Steve Sidwell: trumpet

Recorded at British Grove Studios, London
Produced by Mark Knopfler, Guy Fletcher and Chuck Ainlay
Engineered by Guy Fletcher and Chuck Ainley, assisted by Rich Cooper
Mastered by Bob Ludwig at Gateway mastering Studios, Portland, Maine

All songs written by Mark Knopfler (Will D. Side Ltd)
©2007 Will D. Side Limited/Rondor Music (London) Ltd.

Mark Knopfler uses D’Addario strings.

Cover image: Four Lambrettas and Three Portraits of Janet Churchman by John Bratby (1928-1992), painted in 1958
Creative Director: Tom Bird
Photography: Fabio Lovino
Design: Salvador Design

True Love Will Never Fade

Sound bite


True love will never fade
True love will never fade
True love will never fade
True love will never fade
True love will never fade

I wonder if there’s no forever
– no walking hand in hand
down a yellow brick road
to never-never land
These days I get to where I’m going
– make it there eventually
follow the trail of breadcrumbs
to where I’m meant to be
to where I’m meant to be

I don’t know what brought you to me
that was up to you
There’s so many come to see me
who want their own tattoo
I fixed a needle in the holder
laid my hand upon your spine
and there upon your shoulder
I drew the picture as your sign

When I think about us
I see the picture that we made
the picture to remind us
true love will never fade
True love will never fade
True love will never fade
True love will never fade

I work the rowdies and day-trippers
Now and then I think of you
Any which way we’re all shuffling
following the queue
They’d like to move my operation
They’d like to get me off the pier
And I dream I’m on a steamer
pulling out of here

When I think about us
I see the picture that we made
the picture to remind us
true love will never fade
True love will never fade
True love will never fade
True love will never fade
True love will never fade
True love will never fade

The Scaffolder’s Wife

Sound bite


The scaffolder’s wife
driving out of the yard
with a face that’s as hard
as a scaffolder’s bar –
when she goes into town
she might take the top down
on the car

The quick little steps
in the stiletto boots
and the hair with the roots
She comes in as a rule
to get the nails done
and the tan for the sun
when the kids are in school

Don’t begrudge her the Merc
it’s been nothing but work
and a hard life
Losing her looks
over company books
– the scaffolder’s wife

In the wicked old days
when they went it alone
kept the company going
on a wing and a prayer
They don’t pay what they owe
when they have the cash flow
– they don’t care

Don’t begrudge her the Merc
it’s been nothing but work
and a hard life
Losing her looks
over company books
– the scaffolder’s wife

The Fizzy And The Still

Sound bite

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Sunday morning, here we are
The boy’s come home
not quite the movie star

He’s been in Hollywood
The boy’s come home
The boy’s done good

He says she asked too high a price
neglecting to declare
what sits between them there on ice,
chilled, with the fizzy and the still:
he tried but didn’t make it there

‘It’s not for me
It’s not for me’

Sunday papers, here we are
The boy’s come home
The boy’s come home

Heart Full Of Holes

Sound bite


You can tell me your troubles
I’ll listen for free
My regulars trust me, it seems
You can come and see Uncle
to get through the week
leave your pledges with me to redeem
Some folk sell their bodies
for ten bob a go
Politicians go pawning their souls
Which doesn’t make me
look too bad, don’t you know
me, with my heart full of holes
All my yesterdays broken
a watch with no face
all battered and old
Bits of the movement
all over the place
and a heart full of holes
A heart full of holes
A heart full of holes

Brass knuckles and banjos
are out on the town
at the knees-up
in Teddy Boys’ Row
The gold block and tackle
tells the time upside down
Rock n’ roll – well, I don’t know
Dead people’s wedding gifts
walk out the door
A clarinet squeals to be free
Accordions hop
from the shelves to the floor –
start playing their polkas to me

There’s a ringing of bells
a dunderhead’s curse
Fingers are pointing at you
And you take work in hell
and be glad it’s not worse
and you get to the back of the queue
Handcuffs and hunting knives
clang on the bars
Air pistols shoot out the lights
I’ve a whole Wailing Wall
of electric guitars
could shatter the windows
down Brick Lane tonight

If one of us dies, love
I think I’ll retire
see my boys and my beautiful girls
A Garden of Eden
no gates or barbed wire
who knows, maybe gates made of pearls
Well, if we go to heaven
and some say we don’t
but if there’s a reckoning day
please God, I’ll see you
and maybe I won’t
I’ve a bag packed to go either way

Redeeming your pledge, dear
I’ll keep it for you
It’s not going to go anywhere
But your soul, your soul
that is not what I do
There’s not a lot I can do there
I remember the officer’s watch
in my hand:
‘Repair it or die’ I was told
It’s a wonder to me –
I still don’t understand
why I ever survived to be old
with a heart full of holes
A heart full of holes
A heart full of holes

We Can Get Wild

Sound bite


We’re old enough for leaving home
the old joanna and the old trombone
It’s all going on
I’m growing my sideboards long
And you and me
can be who we want to be
Listen now, right here
It’s going to be a beautiful year

They’re calling it the teenage scene
and I have a dream
Don’t know if I’ll be a star
but I’m going to play guitar
I’ve seen this rocking cat
Oh, I want to be just like that
Listen now, right here
It’s going to be a beautiful year

Hey, look at you, baby
Tell your daddy you’re no child
Hey, look at you, baby
We can get wild

We’ll be on our own
Billy Fury on the gramophone
Take you to the pictures and a dance
Me in my drainpipe pants
Check the mirror and the old DA
And you can play in a day
Listen now, right here
It’s going to be a beautiful year

Hey, look at you, baby
Tell your daddy you’re no child
Hey, look at you, baby
We can get wild

Secondary Waltz

Sound bite


The school Christmas party is coming
We ain’t doing rugby no more
MacIntyre’s teaching us waltzing
out on the gymnasium floor
out on the gymnasium floor
MacIntyre’s out of the army
You’ll be slippered if you get it wrong
And MacIntyre’s din
booms loud in the gym
and we’ve only got our little shorts on
We’ve only got our little shorts on

And it’s one, two, three, two, two –
we’re all a disgrace
MacIntyre tore us apart
And we danced with ourselves
when he yelled ‘Find a space!’
waltzing with fear in our hearts
waltzing with fear in our hearts

Comes the day of the final manoeuvres
All of our heads are awhirl
It’s getting much closer to D-day
This time we’re going to do it with girls
This time we’re going to do it with girls
In the arena the ladies were waiting
a 12 year-old partner to guide
Some matches were fixed
the rest of us mixed
and a fat girl got left at the side
A fat girl got left at the side

And it’s one, two, three, two, two –
we’re all a disgrace
MacIntyre tore us apart
And we danced with ourselves
when we’d all found a space
waltzing with fear in our hearts
waltzing with fear in our hearts

When you come to my fights
and I’m under the lights
and you see that my footwork is false
don’t count me out
at the start of the bout
I’m just doing the Secondary Waltz
doing the Secondary Waltz

Punish The Monkey

Sound bite


They’re driving long nails into coffins
You’ve been having sleepless nights
You’ve gone as quiet as a church mouse
and checking on your rights
The boss has hung you out to dry
And it looks as though
they’ll punish the monkey
and let the organ grinder go

You’ve been talking to a lawyer
Are you going to pretend
that you and your employer
are still the best of friends?
Somebody’s going to take the fall
There’s your quid pro quo
They’ll punish the monkey
and let the organ grinder go

Here comes a policeman
He won’t be sidetracked
He’s asking about a smoking gun
He’s after the facts

It’s a quiet life from here on in
You’ve dropped your poison cup
The telephone is ringing
But you’re not picking up
Time’s up, Sir Lord Flunkey
And everybody knows
they’ll punish the monkey
and let the organ grinder go

Let It All Go

Sound bite


When it’s pop goes the weasel
let go of the easel
You don’t want
this rickety rackety life.
It’s seat of the trousers
It’s all sink or swim, son
I’d kill to get crimson
on this palette knife.
And I’d steal in a minute
I’m up to here in it
You here behaving
as though I’m a saint
Get a job with a pension
Don’t ever mention
you once had a craving
for the brushes and paint.

So go, forget it, let it all go
let it all go.
Go, forget it, let it all go
Go, forget it, let it all go
let it all go.
Go, forget it, let it all go
let it all go.

A hack writer judges
my swipes and my smudges
he doesn’t like pictures
with blotches and blots.
The drawing room tea set
wants horses, sunsets
sweet nothing –
the seaside with yachts.
Here’s the end of the thirties
no time for arties
over in Poland
a right old to-do
So go join the navy
the air force or the army
They’ll all be enrolling
young fellows like you.

So go, forget it, let it all go
let it all go.
Go, forget it, let it all go
Go, forget it, let it all go
let it all go.
Go, forget it, let it all go
let it all go.

These are not my decisions
flaming visions
ringing expression
the clamouring voice.
It’s volcanic desire
the unquenchable fire
It isn’t a question
of having the choice.
Anyway, now i’m old
but if you won’t be told
if you’ve been created
to answer the call
all passion and lust
is going to end in the dust
but you’ll hang on some
government gallery wall.

So go, forget it, let it all go
let it all go.
Go, forget it, let it all go
Go, forget it, let it all go
let it all go.
Go, forget it, let it all go
let it all go.

Behind With The Rent

Sound bite


This didn’t used to be me, old boy
This isn’t what I’d want
pulling old night fighters
in a restaurant.
There’s smoke and flames behind me
where the self-respect all went
and I’m behind, behind
with the rent.

I’ve been stitched up like a kipper, old son
but I won’t be again
Hell hath no fury
Oh, I’m like a lot of men.
Now I’m stalking this old Doris
with lascivious intent
and I’m behind, behind
with the rent.

Just a little duck and dive
and a bit of wheel and deal.
She’ll remind me I’m a live.
She’ll remind me I still feel
Just a little shelling out
for a bit of you-know-what
I know this is all about
something that I never got.

Well this crumpet’s past it’s sell-by-date
but they all would qualify
They’re going to be lonely
and be happy to comply.
She knows that I’m a chancer
coming on like a gent
but I’m behind, behind
with the rent.
Yes, I’m behind, behind
with the rent.

The Fish And The Bird

Sound bite

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When I gave my heart
to a tinker boy
he said a fish could love a swallow
And I will go with my travelling man
Wherever he goes I will follow

He will mend
your pots and pans
Your kitchen knives he’ll take and sharpen
Then I’ll be gone with my travelling man
and never more your doorway darken

The fish and the bird
who fall in love
will find no place to build a home in
The fish and the bird who fall in love
are bound forever to go roaming

Madame Geneva’s

Sound bite


I’m a maker of ballads right pretty
I write theme right here in the street
You can buy theme all over the city
yours for a penny a sheet
I’m a word pecker out of the printers
out of the dens of Gin Lane
I’ll write up a scene on a counter
– confessions and sins in the main,
boys confession and sins in the main.

Then you’ll find me in Madame Geneva’s
keeping the demons at bay
There’s nothing like gin for drowning them in
but they’ll always be back on a hanging day.

They come rattling over the cobbles
they sit on their coffins of black.
Some are struck dumb, some gabble
top-heavy on brandy or sack.
The pews are all full of fine fellows
and the hawker has set up her shop.
As they’re turning them at the gallows
she’ll be selling right under the drop,
boys selling right under the drop.

Then you’ll find me in Madame Geneva’s
keeping the demons at bay
There’s nothing like gin for drowning them in
but they’ll always be back on a hanging day

In The Sky

Sound bite


Are you home from the sea, my soul balladeer
You’ve been away roaming far away from here
weathered a storm, your heart unafraid
crossed every ocean in the boat that you made

Been blowing your horn, scaring the spooks
No crotchets or quavers in your books
Gone sailing all night, straight in the vein
like a bird on his own flight in his domain in the sky

Running in on the tide with the first of the stars
the moon on the water and the sound of guitars
Glide into the homing as the night falls
to tie up in the haven by the old harbour wall

And the hard-bitten stranger as deaf as a post
who stands at the fire where a poet’s dreams roast
He can’t know the story, he can’t feel the pain
and all of the glory falls around him like rain in the sky

You’re a light in the dark, a beacon of hope
and strong as a sea boat, strong as a rope
And the vagabond wind, whispers over the bay
and the songs and the laughter, are carried away in the sky

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